What about a flag?


Shortly after Canadian Confederation in 1867, the need for distinctive Canadian flags emerged. The first Canadian flag was that then used as the flag of the Governor General of Canada, a Union Flag with a shield in the centre bearing the quartered arms of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick surrounded by a wreath of maple leaves. The rest is history............

The Canadian Flag Education Centre is proud to present this chronological / historical account of who and how our beloved Canadian Flag was brought to fruition in 1964/1965. This video is made available with the approval of Historical Canada.

1965:  Sid Demorest, Legion President, presented the Marmora Scout troop with a new Canadian flag. The Legion were the Scout  sponsors and Wayne VanVolkenburg was the  Assistant Scoutmaster at the time.

Cub leader Doris VanVolkenburg receiving the new flag from Legion member Sid Demorest, June,1965. Scout leader Wayne VanVolkenburg receiving the flag for that group.