Quilting by Judy Jackson & friends
Fashion in 1867
by Owen
Fashion in 1867was a lot different than fashion today. Men wore dresses! First I am going to talk about summer Victorian costumes. Victorian men period clothing for 1867 states "A summer Victorian costume consists of a single breasted frock coat with
three holes and buttons the sleeves have a short vent at the hands. A white drill collar vest and drab Angola trousers complete the costume. The summer lounging costume is light, cool, easy, and comfortable. making it
the agreeable wear for the months when the summer sun is in all its gloriousbrilliancy."
Next I am going to talk about the shooting jacket. Victorian men's clothing 1867 states "the coat is cut in the lounge jacket style
and buttons up the front. Th collar is made flannel jackets, bound with blue or other color, according to the club and decorated with three patch pockets. Batsman wore flannel shirt, which may be white, with plain edges, or bound with colored ribbon. A patch pocket is frequently placed outside the left breast. The trousers are of white flannel, cut fuller than ordinary trousers, and fastened at waist with a belt."
by Nathan Robert curry gr 4
We're afraid of the us civil war the Britain were saying that their going to help us but they wasn't really helping. The US were talking about invading Canada
They wanted to trade with other borders. The two leaders was John A Mac Donald and George Brown.
The Charlotte town conference on the 29th August 1864 aboard the
Canadian government steamer. The idea of united country took over. Even Newfoundland despite economic difficulties in 1860s a postponed a decision on a confederation in 1865 also in an 1869 election decisively rejected it.
The more prosperous PEI resisted almost from the start. A small dedicated group of confederation made a little headway until early in 1870s when PEI was badly in a indebted by the construction of an island railway joined a confed-eration in return for Canada taking over its loan payment.
The Nova Scotians were divided. Confederation is,popular in the northern areas of mainland in Cape Breton but along the south Shore in the Annapolis valley prosperous world shipping
New brunswick is only a little more enthusiastic. The year 1865 the anti confederation govern-ment of A.J. smith was elected And so it collapsed the following year and it was replaced by a new proconfederation
Early travel in 1867.
By Cam
In 1867 the explorers traveled across the ocean to find new land.
Pioneers traveled with horses, wagons, ships, sail boats and trains. Pioneers traveled from
Europe. The pioneers need to say good bye to friends and family for the final time. Early settlers traveled to visit relatives and friends in other towns and cities. Boys are happy to see there aunt again.
Many of settlers and native
people took part in the fur trade. They traveled to trade furs for supplies. Settlers traveled from
places like farms, and villages. They bought supplies at the general store. The grain at the
mill and they came to worship god at the village church .settlers built their church near a river that the settlers can reach by boat . These men are called voyageurs . They work for a fur company . They traveled far to trading posts
delivering furs and supplies . Now we can use cars, train companies and bus companies and boat and cruise company's and get stuff from
Soap making by Rubymae
They made soap from ashes
Lye and grease They put plants in soap to
make it smell better
Instructions for making soap
1 Strain the ash and water
2 Heat up the lye
3 Stir the whole time
4 Add the smell
5 Stir again
6 Put it in a cup
7 Let it harden
SCHOOLS in 1867
by Grace Brownson
Hi my name is Grace. Have you ever heard of separates schooling
in 1867, or the game ante, ante over the shanty or the game
fox and goose, or how different schools were in 1867 than they
are now? Well don't worry if you haven't because I am going to
teach you about them.
In 1867 good education was hard to find because of separate
In both the U.S and Canada parents had a choice to sent their
children to the state-run public school or a fee paying private school. This was called separate schooling because the children went to separate schools
1867 VS 2017
In 1867 there was only 1 class and to rooms. There were boarding schools and there was uniforms in every school.
Now there are multiple classes and multiple rooms and no
boarding schools and there is only uniforms in some schools.
When there was snow the children that were at school would play the game fox and goose.
you drag your feet in the snow to create a circle and lines from
the outside of the circle to the middle. Once you have created
the circle the you choose one person to be the fox and the
other people are the geese, The fox goes to the center of the
circle and the geese go around the outside then the fox closes his or her eyes and spins around in a circle while the geese run
around the outside. When the fox stops spinning and opens
their eyes(whenever he or she wants) the geese stop running if
there is a goose in the section the fox is looking at the goose
will be eaten and trades places with the fox. If there isn't a
goose then the fox closes his or her eyes and repeats the steps
again until the school bell rings.
When there was no snow to play fox and goose the children
would play a game called ante, ante over the shanty. In order to
play ante, ante over the shanty you need, a ball witch is called
an ante, a big yard to play it in, and 5 or more people. Pick one
person to also be an ante and all of the other people are the
The shanty get in a line, hold hands and look at the ante (person), and the ante(person) holds the ante(ball) and the
ante(person) throughs the ante(ball) over the shanty and the
shanty turn around while still holding hands and try to find the
ball, while the shanty try to find the ball the ante(person) will
randomly yell ante, ante over the shanty and the shanty no
longer have to hold hands until the ante(person) yells ante, ante over the shanty again and they have to meet back where the ante (person) is. If no one got the ante (ball) while they were not holding hands, then they lose, then the ante (person) gets a point and then the ante (person) goes and gets the ante (ball) and starts all over again. But if someone from the shanty gets the ante (ball), he or she has to through the ante (ball) to the ante (person) and the shanty that got the ball back to the ante (person) gets a point and the game goes all over again. When the school bell rings, the game is over.
Watch here as more projects will be added soon!
Early travel
by James
Early settlers traveled many different ways compared to now. Nowadays we would get in a car and drive to where you want to go back. Then, it was different. They would walk to the dock, get in a boat for a very long ride then, when they arrived in Canada, they would get in a smaller boat. When they got to shore they got in a horse drawn covered wagon to their destination.
When the Europeans left their families for the final time, it would take months before they got to Canada. It would have been very difficult because of lot a lot of diseases and very little food to eat which probably caused the diseases. '
There where way too many people on the ship. They had so much stuff on the boat too that caused difficulties
steering the ships. They often ran in to storms and big waves.There was very little food and there was often maggots on the meat. Sometimes entire families died on board before they even hit land.
When they got to land there was a doctor to examine if they were well ,.- If they were not well they would have to take the same journey back home with no hope on the other end. If they were well they would have to suffer another month or so until they find new homesteads.
Often they lived near lakes and rivers so they can travel by boat to where they want to go. so the first nations taught the Europeans to make canoes to get to where they want to go instead of taking a big boat for a little trip. But if you were in them for too long time it would get uncomfortable, because they were only meant for little trips.
1867 Houses and Homes
Chopping their way to civilization, they had to carve their new lives out of the forest. The next task was to erect a shanty, lean to or tent. Once the temporary shelter was up, after the log cabin was up and on the ground they will place clay and bricks .Fifteen years later fences separate the feuds, the stump's are gone. The settlers live in two story houses made of squared logs. There is a barn for the animals and a corduroy bridge made of logs over the stream.
Thirty five years later the settlers are living in a large plank house. The new bridge is also made of planks. There are several barns. The settler is now also the sawmill owner. The homes and bridges where strong. They could never break and that is why later on the settlers would make them bigger better and stronger than before the settlers would pull horses on the bridges to see if they were strong to hold a lot of weight and for the houses they would put 3 families which had 20 people in the family so 20+ 20+ 20=60 people. That is a lot of people then
if the bridges and homes can hold that much weight then they will upgrade the bridges and homes and that is how the homes and bridges got bigger and stronger. Then people will move in the homes and they will be happy and won't complain about it falling. And that is how homes and houses are built. They are stable, pretty and comfortable log cabins.
Rebecca. R
by Nyomi Bertrand
by Hayden King
by Jonathan Martino
by Katherine
by Emily Brownson
by Hayden Nobes by Bayleigh
By: Olivia Krzeczynski
It was interesting to explore what schools were like in 1867.Their curriculum was different which is what they learned at school in 1867. Their school supplies were unique. Games they play at recess were interesting and much more.
In 1867 there most important subject was to learn how to store food, were to get fresh water, how to plant things, and to understand Latin and Greek. As time passed people realized that they need to work from books because they would not know how to read or write. Soon people realized life would be easier if they knew how to do these things.
In 1867 paper was expensive. Paper was very important it was so precious that some schools wrote with birch bark instead. Some parents didn't have enough money to pay for paper so their children had to make their own notebook with rough and bark paper. "They folded the paper twice to make four pages." Then drew lines for ruled paper. Every family made their own ink so the children could take it to school. They buy ick powder from the store and mix it with water. Poor families that didn't have enough money for ink powder used bark and a chemical to make black liquid. "Homemade ink was not very good and often dried up.
One of the games they played in the winter was fox and goose the children made a big circle in the snow then made six or eight lines going to the middle of the circle. The person that was the fox could catch one of the geese by running down one of the paths. The goose that had been caught became the next fox. Another game they played was called ante ante over the shanty a ball was the ante and the school was the shanty. The ante was thrown over the shanty. The first person to find the ante was the winner of the game.
In 1867 they had lots of rules like.
1. At the end of the day wash your hands and face. Wash your feet if they are bare.
2. If the master calls your name straighten the benches and tables. Sweep the class, dust things, and make everything tidy.
3. Bring firewood into the classroom when the teacher asked you to.
Schools in 1867 are very different from schools now. For an example schools in 1867 had one room in the hole school, and now we have a room for every grade.
I am very thankful l that I didn't have to live in 1867 because they had a harder life then we do.
by Kendra
Children's Clothes in 1867
by Rebecca Young
Have you ever wondered what children's clothes looked like in 1867?
Well, let's take a look. I will show some pictures of what the clothes looked like and I will compare it to children's fashion today. Fashion was divided into 3 main parts: your Sunday best, your everyday play
clothes, and your outdoor wear.
A child in 1867 usually only had 2 outfits, one for Sunday Church and one for just everyday. For girls if you had good money your Sunday clothes were sometimes a big poufy dress and a really pretty hat. Sometimes they were made out of the same material as their mothers dress and hat. If you didn't have that much money you still got a good Sunday dress, The cost was usually 10-25 cents. For us, that's not a lot of money but to them it was.
For boys you usually had your hair grown out long. Some boys wore skirts or dresses but they usually just had a nice buttoned up shirt with a nice pair of pants. They would look very handsome! Today if you saw a boy dressed in a skirt you would probably say Why is he wearing a skirt?" But back in 1867 that was a popular style. Sunday clothes in 1867 are way different from now!
Your everyday clothes, if you were a boy, were a pair of pants and a plaid shirt. Because you worked outside your clothes got very dirty, but the funny thing is they only did laundry once a week, so their clothes were very dirty a lot of the time. For girls, you wore a dress because you didn't work outside, you worked inside where there is not a lot of dirt. Inside of your dress you wore a hoop, your dress went over top of the hoop to make it pouf out. Girls worked inside making food, sweeping, and helping take care of the little ones. A lot of men worked outside on the farm teaching their little sons how to do the work, so if they ever passed away their sons could take over the business.
The mothers were also teaching their little daughters how to take care of the house, how to cook, and how to take care of a baby. If you went out to see a friend or to do something away from home you would wear a jacket and sometimes a bonnet. Your jacket would just be plain black and button up at the front. Sometimes if you had
good money (which not a lot did) your coat would be a little bit more fancy. Like a nice blue or grey. Your bonnet could be plain or fancy. If it was plain it was usually a solid colour like blue, black, or purple. Then it usually tied up at the bottom under your chin. If you had a fancy hat it would have some flowers, feathers or something really pretty. Some people didn't wear a bonnet, they wore a hat. Your hat could be a plain brown, black or grey colour. It could also have a flower, or a feather on it too. They didn't always wear their outdoor clothes when they went
out because it was sometimes really hot. 1867 clothes have changed a lot from what we wear now.
I loved learning about this, it was such a cool topic. Children dress way differently now. We don't wear skirts, bonnets, and our fancy dresses now are way different from back then in 1867. I hope you learned a lot
like I did.
Kalman Bobbie "Early Settler Children" 1982-1991
by Cheyenne Patruniak
This is my essay about famous people in 1867 like famous artists sports players actor etc. Well, back to the topic first I'm going to talk about people that were born in 1867 and became famous later in their life.
First I'm going to talk about Frank Lloyd Wright in (1867 to 1959) his birthday was June 9 born 1867. He was an architect. Madame Curie (1867 to 1934) she was a scientist who discovered two radioactive elements; radium and polonium. She also won a Nobel prize in 1903 She was born November 7 1867 she passed on at the age of67. Viola Allen (1867 to 1948) she was an actress who first appeared on stage when she was in her early teens after the lead actress in her title role of Esmeralda fell ill. Allen filled in and she passed on May 9, 1948.
Sister Navadita- She was famous because she built a school for girls because before the people in 1867 thought that girls were not smart, so now girls go to school. Mary of Teck she was famous because she married King George V of England and her sons Edward and Albert who would laterrule England. Laura Ingalls Wilder (February 7, 1867 —February 10,1957) She was a autobiographer. She wrote all of the series of Little House on the Prairie and the Little House in the Big Woods and which became the most popular books of all time.
Madame Curie
Mary of Teck
unsinkable Molly Brown
Ed Delaney (1867-1903He was a mlb hitter who died at Niagara Falls of unknown causes when he was 35. He passed away on July 2, 1903. Margaret Brown - She was known as the Unsinkable Molly Brown because she survived the Titanic and she inspired movies and plays. Born 1867, died 1932 Kathe Kollwitz - She was a famous German painter and sculptor. She did art and turned it into a very intense that brings life to the horror of war and human suffering.