1978 Union Meeting
Jan 7, 1960
Bethlehem Workers Strike
Employees at the Marmoraton Iron Mine at Marmora walked off the job at midnight on Monday night in a wildcat strike in sympathy with the glant Unlted Steelworkers Strike in the U.S.A.
Marmora Herald, July 5, 1956
In the States employees of the three largest Steel' Companies, United States Steel, Republic and Bethlehem Steel Corporations left their jobs at midnight June 30th, at which time their contracts expired. The Union had asked, for increased wages; a one-year contract and other concessions while the companies had asked for a five year contract and had offered what would have meant an increase of about $4500. per man over the five year period.
We do not pretend to know too much about the working conditions, etc. of the American Steel Industry, but the offer presented bythe Companies, in view of the present wages, looked very fair. At Marmora the Union has· been asking for equal wages to those paid by the industry in the United States. So far the matter had not been
settled or a Conciliation Board called in and the workers had no legal right to strike.
For the first few days a strike may seem to be a kind of a welcome holiday but after a few pay days have rolled around and instead of getting from $125. to $200, they receive $20 to $30 from the Union, the holiday will lose its appeal. From experience with the Mine Mill strike here a few years ago, and from what we have learned of the
General Motors Strike last year, it looks like a crazy idea. The working man never wins a strike. He may get a minor increase in pay but it takes years to make up what is lost.
It is hoped that this strike will be of short duration as it will have a serious effect on the whole community, as well as the employees if it continues very long.
While it is only human nature to want all we can get, it looks like a very foolish move to go onstrike here. Any of the employees we have talked to from Marmoraton Mine have been well .satisfied with the wages they have been getting. Not one of them has ever received anything near as much as they receive now and they have been quite, happy with the amount of their pay checks.
Working conditions also compare very favourably with any other industry in the province.
Marmora· Miners Get
61 cent Package Deal
Employees of the Marmoraton Ming Company danced in the streets
Belleville Intelligencer Aug. 9, 1956
Monday night on hearing of a61-cent package deal ending their month-long strike. The United Steelworkers of America (CLC) said the three-year contract was the largest ever negotiated by collective bargaining for Canadian workers.
The settlement was negotiated in New York last week as part of the general settlement of. the United States steel strike. Marmoraton, owned wholly by the Bethlehem Steel Corporation, was affected by the strike when its 250 union members employees walked off the job at this eastern Ontario town 37 miles. east of Peterborough.
As part of the settlement the company has agreed not to carry the matter of the strike any further. It was declared illegal by the Ontario labor relations board.
The base wage rate will increase from $1.51 1/2 an hour to $1.91 1/2 by July 1, 1958. An increase of 17 cents will be effective immediately, a further 11 1/2 cents July I, 1957 and the last 11 cents a year later.