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Toronto Sun Nov. 10, 2007
During WW1, approximately 3,141 Canadian women served in the Canadian Expeditionary Force as nurses, and many more worked in other roles:
Nursing Sisters – Over 2,800 Canadian women served as nurses in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, with about 2,500 going overseas. They served in hospitals, hospital ships, and in combat zones. They were known as “Nursing Sisters” because they were originally from religious orders. They were nicknamed “bluebirds” because of their blue dresses and white veils.
Factory work: Over 30,000 women worked in munitions factories in Ontario and Quebec. Royal Air Force: Over 1,000 women worked for the Royal Air Force, in motor transport, mechanical work, and as ambulance drivers.
Other roles: Women also worked in banks, offices, and on the farm, filling roles that were formerly occupied by the now absent males.
At least 46 Canadian women died carrying out these services. Women’s contributions were vital to Canada’s war effort, and by the end of the war, it was evident that women could do any job a man could do.
LENA ‘ VICTORIA’ EASTWOOD: Nursing sister , Victoria Eastwood, was a nurse that sailed off to Europe for WW1 with Helena McCallum. She received a special citation from Sir Douglas Haig for "gallant and distinguished conduct." (Field Marshal Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig, KT, GCB, OM, GCVO, KCIE, ADC was a senior officer of the British Army. During the First World War he commanded the British Expeditionary Force on the Western Front from late 1915 until the end of the war.)
Marmora Herald May 6, 1915
Miss Victoria Eastwood of Marmora and Miss Helena Benedicta McCallum (1878-1951) of Deloro will sail for Europe with a party of Canadian trained registered nurses from McGill University, Montreal. They have all volunteered their services with the Canadian Army in France.
Lena Victoria Eastwood, daughter of Marmora locals, Edgar Alfred and Hannah Eastwood. Her service record and enlistment documents can be found on the Library of Canada Archives site CLICK HERE The first two pages are her “Attestation forms” the remainder are her personnel records.
Further searches show that Lena married Frank Wendell Tidmarsh, at Epson’ Surrey, England, in 1918. Frank, a Canadian doctor from Charlottetown PEI., served in France, attending to the wounded. His service record (6838) indicates that he was injured by poison gas, and required medical attention. LDS records indicate that Frank died at a Charlottetown location.
HELENA BENEDICTA McCALLUM was born in Marmora in 1878, daughter of Mrs. Anna McCallum, Deloro, She received her schooling here and continued her education as a graduate of Saint Michael's Hospital, Toronto. Upon graduation Helena enlisted in the Royal Canadian Women's Army Corps. and went overseas in 1915 to serve as a Nursing Sister at Salonica and France making her the first woman from Marmora to serve her country during WW1.
Feb. 27, 1919 - Mrs. John A. McCallum, of Deloro, received word by cable of the marriage of her daughter, nursing sister Helen McCallum; No. 4 University Base Hospital, on February 20th, at Orpington, England, to Capt. Robert Hugh Ells, C.A.M.C., of Ottawa, Canada,
Letter Tells Of Visit Of Queen Elizabeth To Hospital
April 12, 1945
Following is a letter received by Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mumby from their daughter,Lt. N./S. Hilda Mumby, that.will be of interest to many Deloro and Marmora friends:-
No.·17-Cdn. Gen. Hosp. 22 March /45,
."Dear Mom,Dad & all:
I've really got something to write about this time. We had a distinguished visitor today. None other than the Queen herself. We were told about it yesterday, so scrubbed and cleaned everything and everybody in sight. We were dressed in our wools, aprons, clean veils and shining shoes. She visited every ward and met us all. She shook hands with us all andwe curtsied or fumbled around at something or other. Then on our own ward we followed her around as she visited each patient. We were .allowed to take pictures. She was dressed in pale blue wool dress and coat and pale blue hat - something 'like a beret. She had on a. triple strand of beautiful pearls, Maple leaf on her lapel and. carried a fawn coloured fur on her arm. I don't know what it was She spoke French to the French patients. I. got three snaps of her while she spoke to three different patients .Her skin is lovely and she has a nice quiet half-shy way of speaking. I got some snaps of her outside too.
There were several other big shots with her - our Matron-in-chief over here .- Miss Neill, Maj. Gen. Lenton, Maj. Gen Wilks, , Her lady-in-waitingwas here too of course. Ordinarily any one of them would make us weak in the knees, butdidn', cause us a thought today. After they visited all the whole wards, the party came to the mess for tea. One of the Sisters, whose· husband is Scottish, poured the tea. The mess Pres. presented her with a lovely bouquet. The mess looked very nice. Lots of flowers around and everything was shining. She stopped for us to take snaps outside. Here's hoping they turn out O.K. One of the boys took my film to the Xray to develop it. As soon as I have copies I'll send you some. Watch the weekly papers as they say the pictures will be tn them in about two weeks. I had a good look at the carshe came in. It didn't look to have much over the old Whippitt although I suppose it's a good one as English cars go. The Queen smiled so nicely at everyoneand even noticed all civilians lined up at the fence. Must close for now. Pass this on to the rest, will you. I just can't write it to everybody. Love, Hilda.
Isobel McNally of the R.C.A.F. (W.D.); Ottawa, and Corp. Tom McNally, of Kingston, spent New Year's week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McNally. Jan 6, 1944
Cpl. Francls Sine, of the C.W,A.C., Army Ordnance Corp, who had been on a couple of weeks furlough during which she visited friends in Windsor and Detroit and also' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leal of town returned to Ottawa on Monday to resume her military duties.
Cpl. Lois Buskard Now Overseas
Corporal Lois Geraldine Buskard of the RC.A.F. (Women's Division), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Buskar', of Deloro, is the second girl of that village to notify her parents of a safe arrival overseas. A short while ago Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Shannon were in receipt of the good tidings that their daughter Lieut. (Nursing Sister) Teresa Shannon had safely reached England. Lois has spent two years in the RC.A.F. hav- ing enlisted on August 1st, 1942. After training at Old Havergal, Jar- vis street, Toronto, she was posted to No. 11 Recruiting Centre, Toronto where she remained, for eighteen months. She was then transferred to No. 4 Wireless, Guelph. Her brother Sergt. Burnett Buskard of the RC. A.F. was overseas for the years of 1940-1941 and. at present is training at Malton, and awaits the day when he too returns overseas. Aug. 3, 1944
Miss Helen Regan of the RC.A.F. .(WD.), Aylmer, spent the week end at her home here.
Miss Frances Third, who has operated "Third's Beauty Parlor" in Marmora for the past six years, gave up her business last Thursday to join the C.W.A.C in Kingston today. During the years she was in Marmora Miss Third made a host of friends and her Beauty Parlor was one of the busiest places in town. She became an expert hair .dresser and her services will be much missed by many ladies in the community. All join in wishing her success in her army work.
Sept. 1943 Presentation To Olive Lowery
On Wednesday evening, September 1st, a large number of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WaIter Lowery to honour Olive, who has recently joined the C.W.A.C. The following address was read by Miss Mabelle Bateman and a purse of money was presented to Olive by Mr. Garnet McCann.
"Dear Olive, We, a few of your friends and school chums, have gathered here tonight to honour you, our first girl from this community to don the uniform of our King and Country. You have attended school and grown up amongst us and we always found you a courageous and trustworthy person, which qualities go toward making a good soldier. We all know the C.W.A.C. are doing a great job and congratulate you on giving up the comforts of home life to become a member or our Canadian Army. We now ask you to accept this small token as appre- ciation of our love and friendship. Signed on behalf of your friends. Garnet McCann, Cecil Bell Della McCann, Mabelle Bateman
Lunch was then served and the re- mainder of the evening spent in dancing,
May 2, 1944 Leading Air Woman Ada Scott and Corp. Lois Buskard of Toronto Recruiting Centre, spent the week end ,at the latter's home. Miss Gunter is spending the week in North Hastings in connection with her work on the Old Age Pensions and Mothers' Allowances Boards.
Staff Marg Shannon and Serg.Marj Appleyard of the Medical Procure- ment and Assignment Board, Ottawa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E Shannon, Deloro.
Sgt.Maj. Leah (Simpson) Knox 1924-1993
Stella Bennett, served in England and there married squadron leader Gordon Bennett
Jan 6, 1944 Presentation To Alice McCann
A large number of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McCann, Malone, on Thurs. evening, December 23rd, to honour their eldest daughter Alice, who has recently joined the C.W.A.C. Dancing was enjoyed to music furnished by Messrs. Orville Mc- Garvey and Percy Lucas, assisted by Mr. Clarence Weese of Belleville. After a delicious lunch was served at midnight, the following address was read by Mrs. Burness Johnson and Alice was presented with a purse of money. "Dear Alice: We, a few of your friends, on knowing of your enlistment in the C.W.A.C., could not let this opportunity go by without spending a social evening with you before your depart- ure. Alice, we will miss you in our church as well as In social affairs and there is a warm welcome awaiting you in our community as often as you are able to join us and we hope before very long all our soldier boys and girls will be home again to stay and may we wish you the best of luck in your new under-taking. We ask you to accept this purse."
Alice McCann Sutton
March21, 1946
Nursing Sister ElIenore Barker arrived, in Marmora on Tuesday after spending the past eighteen months overseas, and is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Green for the present. She expects her husband in Marmora today. N.S. Barker was married overseas.