"One flag, one throne, one empire."
Left ot Right Back row: Bernice Young, _____ ______ Thelma Green, Margaret Parkin, ______ Madeleine Frost Middle Row: Anne Walters, ____, Ruby McCoy, Eileen Demorest , Mrs Kotalski. Front Row: Mrs. Bleecker, Hilda Reynolds, Helen Brady, Mabel Brady, Helen Jones, Stella Bennett, Audrey Wentworth, Eleanor Bicknell
A LITTLE HISTORY……………………This chapter started in 1942 and was active until 1991.
Scrapbook at the Historical Foundation
In 1899 Margaret Polson Murray was in England and was swept up in the wave of patriotic support for the British Empire that followed the outbreak of the Second Boer War. On her return to Canada she immediately started to organise a woman's support group which would "place themselves in the front rank of colonial patriotism" and give practical charitable aid to soldiers, and if they were killed, support for their dependents, and care for their graves.
On 13 January 1900, she sent telegrams to the mayors of major Canadian cities asking for their support for her fledgling organization which she called "Daughters of the Empire" that would also be "inviting the women of Australia and New Zealand to join with them in sending to the Queen an expression of our devotion to the Empire, and an Emergency War Fund, to be expended as Her Majesty shall deem fit." On 15 January 1900, the founding meeting of the first chapter was held in Fredericton. On the same day, Polson Murray publicized her initiative by issuing a press release and giving interviews in Montreal newspapers. On 13 February 1900, 25 women attended a meeting in Montreal and agreed to form a national organization called the "Federation of the Daughters of the Empire." Polson Murray was elected honorary secretary, and for the rest of the year, she energetically took steps to expand the Federation. Soon there were branches all over Canada, and some affiliated ones in the United States……..
IODE Presidents - Charter # 1666
1984 Madeline Frost
1983 May Henderson
1976- 1982 Bernice Young
1975 Alice Ayler/ Eleanor Bicknell
1971-1974 Alice Ayler
1970 unknown
1969 Muriel Regan
1968 unknown
1967 unknown
1966 Clare Borland
1962- 1965 Helen Meiklejohn
1961 JR Reynolds
1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 unknown
1953 H. Rennie
1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943
1942 W. Hilton
Aitchison, J. Dorothy
Anderson, G.
Appleton, J.
Armstrong, Tom Dorothy
Ayler, Dennis Alice
Bailey Mrs.
Barnum, K.
Bateman, Dan
Bennett, Gordon W. Stella \
Bicknell Eleanor
Bingham Bertha
Black, J. Luella
Bleecker, Howard Marj (Marjorie)
Borland, Bob
Borland, Mel H. Clare
Bradford, Beverly
Brady, J. Eugene
Mabel Brady, Charles J. Helen McHenry
Brawley, P.
Bremner Doris
Brownlie, J.M.
Burnum Kathleen
Butterill, H.J. Lori
Callingham Mrs. Sue
Carman, Percy Mrs
Dalton, Dora 1939-1952
Deacon Miss Reta
Demorest, Sid Eileen
Dixon Doris
English, Herb
Fraser, A.F. Verna
Fleming, R.
Fluke Mrs. Florence
Frost, Roy Madeleine
Glover, Vaughan Dot (Dorothy)
Gollick, R.
Gray Miss Dorothy
Green, C.S. Thelma
Greening, George Ann
Henderson, Gordon May
Heath, J.
Hilton, W. Lillian
Hodgman, Leonard
Hughes Miss Mary
Jarvis, Gordon
Jones Chris
Jones, A. M. Helen
Jones J.
Killian E.
Kotulski Marietta
Klukach, J.
Langford, Norman
Lavender, Manley Mary
Lavender, W.D. Hazel?
Lorenson, C. A.
Loveless Mrs. Manchester, E. A. Effie
Mantle Helen Jones
Marett, Donald P. Alice
Maynes, Albert J. Helen
McCoy, Clarence Ruby
McCroran, Jack
McGarvey, Ron
McLeod, M.
Meiklejohn, Granville Helen
Mumby, Harold Marion
Murray, G.
Nayler, Harold P.
Neal, Cecil Neale, R. Jane?
Nickle, Clinton
O'Connor Miss
O'Neill Mrs.
Olsen, H.
Paiero, L. Viola
Paranuik, Tom
Park, James Vi (Viola)
Parkin, Dr. Margaret (Marg)
Prindle Mrs. Regan, William M. Muriel
Rennie, G. H. Kathleen
Reynolds Jean
Reynolds, Jack R. Hilda
Richards Miss
Rogers, C.
Sanderson, R.
Savage Miss Miriam
Simmons Mrs. Doris
Shannon, Wm A. Dorena
Shatford, Robert C.
Stark, D.? Alice
Stetson, Leith Mrs. Joan?
Snell Mrs. Irene
Thompson, Wilson
Trumble, D.
Visser, H.
Walsh, Roly G.
Walters, F.Y. Anne
Wells, F (T?) Russell
Wentworth, Glen A. Audrey (Audree)
White, John
Whittemore, C.R.
Wise E.
Woodhouse Eugenia
Wright, M. Vi
Young, Bruce Bernice
Full scrapbook of IODE activities is available for viewing at the Historical Foundation