Jim Chard writes:  I recall the collections he had. Visited with my Grandpa Chard. I especially remember the 2 snouted pig he had, and something about a calf that seemed odd. As a child his collection was amazing to look at. I think the same would have been said by an adult.

Pat McCrodan write:  I remember Doc Hammond picking us up at the post office to go to the fields near Havelock, Buddy in the back of the Land Rover, slobbering over everyone, very eccentric guy.

Pat Shannon   adds:I recall visiting him once as a small child, with my father (Patrick) and my grandfather (Donald Shannon Sr,). Dad was happy to see this picture tonight smile emoticon

Thomas Tompkins  says:  I remember going as a very wee lad and being fascinated but scared of the black bear he had mounted.

Wayne Vanvolkenburg shares this story:  Doc  did have a dry sense of humour.  He quite often walked his dog,  Butchy,  from his home to the hatchery.  The dog would decide to rest and sit there until it was ready to move again.  When doc's patience ran out, he would sometimes extract a pop bottle filled with water from his pocket. A little poured on the dog would get it moving again.  The dog would nip him if a forceful move was attempted. On one occasion it stopped near the houses, where two of us were hurriedly trying to cut some grass on a Friday afternoon.  Doc watched us while  the dog was resting.  When finished, I went over to talk to him and was asked "who's winning"?

            Doc would occasionally stop at the hatchery seeking a permit to have some bird or animal mounted.  The official Lands & Forest stationary seemed to satisfy the local taxidermist.

            Quite often we would send a school tour to visit his museum.  He was always willing to take the time to show them around and answer any questions.    Living alone, I think he enjoyed the attention.