Chris Faiers                  COLLECTIONS

Cricket Formations (haiku), C & C Printing Richmond, England, 1969
Guest in a Garden (haiku), C & C Printing, Richmond, England, 1969
Dominion Day in Jail, Unfinished Monument Press, 1978
College Streetcar Runs All Night, Unfinished Monument Press, 1979
White Rasta, Unfinished Monument Press, 1980
Sleeping in Ruins (haiku), Unfinished Monument Press, 1981
Unacknowledged Legislator, blewointmentpress, 1981
White Rasta in Wintertime, Unfinished Monument Press, 1982
Island Women, HMS Press, 1983
The Unfinished Anthology (Editor), Unfinished Monument Press, 1984
5 Minutes Ago They Dropped the Bomb, Unfinished Monument Press, 1984
Foot Through the Ceiling, Aya/Mercury Press, 1986
Mr. Library Man, Haiku Canada Broadsheet, 1988
13 Bohemian Dreams, Unfinished Monument Press, 1988
Moon City (haiku), Greensleeve Publishing, 1989
Eel Pie Dharma: a memoir/haibun, Unfinished Monument Press, 1990
ZenRiver Poems & Haibun, Hidden Book Press, 2008
Eel Pie Island Dharma (reprint), Hidden Brook Press, 2012


Poems for Sale in the Street, Steel Rail Publishing, 1979
The Canadian Haiku Anthology, Three Trees Press, 1979
The Modern English Haiku, Columbine Editions, 1981
The Erotic Haiku Anthology, Black Moss Press, 1983
The Toronto Collection, Manoeuvres Press, 1984
The Unfinished Anthology, Unfinished Monument Press, 1984
Other Channels, Basmajian, Jones, 1984
Anti-War Poems, Vesta Press, 1984
The Haiku Handbook, McGraw-Hill (U.S.), 1985
The Crafted Poem, Wordwrights Canada, 1985
Haiku: Canadian Anthology/Anthologie Candienne, Editions Asticou, 1985
Tidepool 2, Hamilton Haiku Workshop Press, 1985
The Last Blewointment Anthology, Knightwood Editions, 1985
Milkweed, Nietzsche's Brolly, 1987
Instant Anthology '87, Meet the Presses, 1987
Haiku Canada 10th Anniversary Holograph Anthology, 1987
The Northern Red Oak (Poems for Milton Acorn), Unfinished Monument Press, 1987
Special Delivery, Haiku Canada, 1988
International Haiku Contest 1987 (prize), The Modern Haiku Association of Tokyo, 1988
Voices, Haiku Canada, 1989
Synesthesia in Haiku, University of the Philippines Press, 1989
Keeper of the Conscience, Greensleeve Publishing, 1990
Wind in the Long Grass, Simon & Schuster, 1991
Haiku Canada 15th Anniversary Holograph Anthology, 1992
A Haiku Alphabet in Celebration of Spring, Proof Press, 1994
Let The Earth Take Note, Milton Acorn Festival Publishing, 1994
A Magical Clockwork, Wordwrights Canada, 2000
Feast of Equinox, 2007
Crossing Lines, Seraphim Editions, 2008
And Left A Place To Stand On - Poems and Essays on Al Purdy, Hidden Book Press, 2009
Rogue Stimulus: The Stephen Harper Anthology fr a Prorogued Parliament,  Mansfield Press, 2010
and many others


The Pedestal Political Anthology, 2004


Alchemist, Alive, Americas Review, Anthos, Arts Scarborough Newsletter, Atkinson College Balloon, Bite, Blueprint, Canadian Author & Bookman, Canadian Book Review Annual, Canadian Dimension, Cicada,  Country Roads, Daybreak, Driftwood East, express magazine, 519 News, Grain, Gut, Haiku, Haiku Highlights, Haiku West, The Heart, Inkstone, Janus SCTH, Leslieville Community News, The Link, Lucky Jim's, Mainichi Times, Modern Haiku, Musicworks, Mamashee, Nimbus Two, Nutmegger, Oblique Times, Origins, Our Times, Partisan, Pierian Spring, Piranha, Poetic License, Poetry Canada Review, Poetry Toronto, Prairie Star, Proof Rock, Rampike, Raw NervZ, The Red Menace, Rubicon, The Shit, Southwind, TPL News, This Magazine, Umbrella, Waitaka Press Broadsheet, Ward 9 News, Ward 7 News, Watchwords, Waves, Wee Giant, Whitewall Review, Wind Chimes, Writers' Quarterly and many others


Simply Haiku (May-June 2004)
PoetryLives - Contemporary Haibun Online (June 2006)


Over 40 public readings and radio and television broadcasts
"A Defence of Poetry" (essay) in Tough Times - Black Moss Press (2010)
Five Questions with Chris Faiers: PurdyFest 2011 - interview for Open Book, Ontario (July 2011)
Poetry editor for Quinte Arts Council's magazine "UMBRELLA"