It was Thursday, Jan 8, 1992 when the first meeting of the1993 Marmora High School Reunion Committee was held at the home of Elaine (McCoy) Jones, Also present was Cheryle Leonard, Ruth Potts (Provost) and Wilma Brady (McKinnon)
High School Reunion Success Credited to Community Teamwork
Marmora Herald July 14, 1993 by Wilma Brady
Shawn Hughes
It's impossible to name all the wonderful individuals who did so much to make July 1-4, 1993 in Marmora unforgettable, by laboring months ahead, during and after the event. After reading last week's write-ups I felt I should continue my "writing contributions" and add my own observations. Please bear with me but there are some details I feel are worth noting: Cembal Publications allowed me to publicize, promote and report on the reunion for a year and a half. That opportunity was appreciated. Because so many individuals said yes when I invited them to head committees, or do a specific job, I probably observed the success of their undertakings in a different light --certainly with relief and pride. The July 1 fireworks at Booster Park, controlled by our local firefighters, was spectacular and a wonderful welcome to our visitors. Later that evening Marmora Legion hosted a fun get-together with Marion Henry setting a joyous mood for singing and dancing by playing the piano all evening. Decorations were admired. They were done by Linda Williamson and volunteers, who also did the community hall, town hall and William Shannon Memorial Room.
Friday morning numerous individuals were working on Boats for the parade, while Leona Brady and her registration crew were excitedly checking in equally excited past students. Mary Doyle and committee had courtesy bags for the registrants containing donations from businesses and organizations. What a job it must have been packing those bags. Those who neglected to answer pleas for pre- registration were disappointed of course. On the other side, Jean Shannon was frantically providing "keepsake" name tags for registrants. Marilyn Maloney had already distributed much of the pre-ordered souvenirs but was happily providing nostalgic ladies and gentlemen with more memorabilia. These individuals worked in a beautifully decorated Curling rink, courtesy of Bernie Donaldson and company (who did it twice just so they could get it just right), for two days, while curling club members ran a refreshment booth and went out of their way to help in various ways . Don Shannon spent a hectic weekend. Besides being parade marshall, assisting his wife's committee, providing bus shuttling, he also organized bus tours. Following the parade, the master of ceremonies for the opening was Marmora and Lake Township Reeve Lionel Bennett.
A highlight was the donation of the new public address system by the Marrnora High School Reunion Committee to the Village in memory of deceased staff andstudents of Marmora High. Andre Philpot's extensive historical display in the town hall was enjoyed by many Friday and Saturday and a proud group of volunteers were on hand to welcome visitors. Many expressed the opinion this should be on display permanently. The tree planting memorial ceremony at Marmora Senior School, with Principal Rob Taylor present, was conducted by Rev. Mary Gifford, whose late husband Grant was a student of Marmora High.
Did you notice Constable Wally Sawkins on the weekend? Besides assisting with parade and traffic control he arranged additional parking. Elaine Jones will be forever grateful for the fact that Bob Murphy was right on hand each time he was needed and Winston Wylie, she feels, did a tremendous job before, during and after the festivities. It should be noted, the Reunion Songsters were successful, partially because of the guidance and accompaniment of Jennie Killian on keyboard. Jim and Irene Russell, besides other chores, took over the Friday evening gala and it was a huge success. The Saturday evening barbecue was enjoyed in spite of the fact caterer Nick Draganac was let down by a commercial supplier of salads. Nick and the Reunion Committee were understandably embarrassed. Apologies are extended to those who missed out on salads but we hasten to say the pork, beef, buns and cake were delicious, plentiful and satisfying. We would most certainly recommend Nick again.
The dance should not be described as "no different than most. " It was a wonderful combination of nostalgic tunes played by Frank Howard's 10 piece orchestra, with most students dressed appropriately for a gala event. How many dances does one attend where the dance floor is full of happy people constantly and people who actually can do a variety 'of dances as well as hear each other speak? The fabulous decorating by 'Verna Hughes, Audrey Mantle and assistants defies description and in no small way added to the festival atmosphere. Terry Clemens was a fantastic emcee dressed for the occasion. Deena and Joe MacCauley donated their hours at the door and did a fantastic job, after spending many hours prior working with committees. They have the apology of the committee that a very few, totally uninvolved individuals opted to argue with their enforcement of the Reunion Committee's decisions and treated them rudely. To the ones who "sneaked in", after allowing so many people to work long hard hours to allow such a wonderful , evening, perhaps you would consider making a donation to the Reunion Committee.
Eleanor Wells and Zella Reynolds surprised a number of visitors with prizes, while Jim Cuddy presented the car rally winner prize on behalf of the Marmora First Response Team. Dave Morwood contributed to the classy atmosphere at the official opening and reunion dance by piping in the reunion crew to the stages. Sunday's highlight was the afternoon ecumenical service in the Village park. The five local clergy offi- ciated: Rev. Maurice Vannest, Marmora Free Methodist; Rev. Kim Warne, St. Andrew's United Church; Rev. Arthur Hambleton, Marmora Pentecostal Church; Rev. Don Skowronski, St. Paul's Anglican Church and Fr. John Grainger, Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church. There were few dry eyes when the Reunion Songsters invited the crowd to join them in singing "May The Good Lord Bless and Keep You" and "Now Is The Hour." We are grateful, we are happy - we will not forget!
1968 High School Reunion
Shirttail parade, 1968 High school reunion